Knowing where and who to look for a sports massage can be hard nowadays – there’s so much choice! Back in 2008 when we first started, we were one of few venues offering sports massage. But now, a search on Google for sports massage in Southampton brings up plenty of options – who and how do you choose!? We have over 8 years experience treating clients from all walks of life – from world class athletes to 90 year olds who struggle to get on the massage couch. From policemen, gardeners, teachers….to olympians, rugby players, elite triathletes and current record holders. We know if and when to refer you to another health professional – we are honest, professional, knowledgeable and friendly – your comfort is our priority. We welcome any questions before or after the treatment and are happy to help with any queries in between.

So, we look forward to hearing from you!


Owner, Elements

Great gift ideas!

Vouchers are available for sports massage & pregnancy massage, biomechanics.

Please enquire for more details.